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Your hard, bony yet flexible spine is a great example of natural engineering. It is the armour designed to protect the most valuable part of your body, your spinal cord. Your spinal cord is a vast network of nerves which carries every piece of information from your body and the outside world, up into your brain and then takes the responsive messages from your brain back down into your body. ... Read More

Your hard, bony yet flexible spine is a great example of natural engineering. It is the armour designed to protect the most valuable part of your body, your spinal cord. Your spinal cord is a vast network of nerves which carries every piece of information from your body and the outside world, up into your brain and then takes the responsive messages from your brain back down into your body.

Your central nervous system is like a master computer system controlling everything that happens inside you. Your spine contains a constant feedback loop of information between your body and brain which happens without you needing to think about it.

If you think of your spinal cord as the trunk of a tree, large thick branches of spinal nerves exit the trunk in pairs down your spinal cord. These then branch off to reach every part of your body. Your spine protects the core trunk, but it also provides the door into influencing the system. All the systems of the body (skeletal, muscular, circulatory, hormonal, digestive, glandular eliminatory, immunological, reproductive and respiratory) are controlled by the nervous system. Therefore, they all depend on optimal neurological function.

By working on the spine using gentle, specific impulses that we call ‘adjustments’, the signals can be changed as they pass to and from the brain.

This is why Chiropractors focus on your spine!

We look to restore the natural intelligence in your body so it knows how to overcome the challenges of everyday life and heal, restoring optimal body function.

I qualified as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 2002 from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic. I found our traditional model of healthcare didn’t quite fit me, because it focuses almost exclusively on when things go wrong with your body. Instead, I prefer to focus on how our bodies are naturally intelligent and designed to heal themselves given the right environment. This allows people to be the best version of themselves.

Life isn’t always smooth and often things happen, such as car accidents, sports injuries, divorce, poor sleep, stress from work or raising a family. With chiropractic adjustments, your body has so much more capacity to handle it all. I love working with people of all ages, and especially those involved in sports and my quest led me to gain my post graduate Masters in Sports and Exercise Medicine in 2011.

I have worked in various clinics in Hertfordshire, Essex and South Wales and I owned and ran a busy clinic for nearly 15 years, before following my heart to set up the Granary and support my local community.

My husband Matt and three children Poppy, Toby and Rowan inspire, support and nurture me and we are lucky to be surrounded by nature as well as living by the sea in Porthcawl where we can indulge our passion for everything outdoors.

Receiving regular Chiropractic care myself has created huge momentum for positive change in my life and I can’t wait to explore how it can do the same for you and your family.

I qualified as a Doctor of Chiropractic in 2002 from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic. I found... Read More

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Located at: Unit A, The Old Granary, Nottage
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